Making cocktails as affordable and accessible as beer, easy and without burden.
No straws, no extra garnish, our aim is to turn drinking cocktails into a brand of lifestyle with a sustainable mindset.
With every measurement, we continuously test and blend flavors until it is stabilized, making our cocktails not only consistent in taste but of high quality.
With every cocktail served in less than 30 seconds, we reduce the wait and serve time, making our cocktails more convenient and faster into the grasp of your hands.
core Values
With every measurement, we continuously test and blend flavors until it is stabilized, making our cocktails not only consistent in taste but of high quality.

身為一位專業的 Draftender,我們致力於尋找出你也會喜歡的一杯調酒,經由簡單的幾個「風味喜好提問」和「試飲」,讓大家都能在最短的時間,找到自己也能喜歡並且享受其中的一杯調酒。透過 Draftender 的「知識」與「經驗」,讓大家不用煩惱自己適合喝的是什麼,因為我們的推薦將快速的正中你的心。
不可否認的,「汲飲雞尾酒 Draft Cocktail」簡化我們製酒的流程,讓我們可以花更多時間在品牌的設計、行銷、企劃甚至是管理,這也讓我們的團隊更完整、更豐富、更保有多元發展性。我們的團隊裡有戶外愛好者、藝文展覽愛好者、也有電影、音樂、舞蹈的愛好者,這些活動和興趣對我們來說非常重要,因為這也是我們如何將生活中有趣且喜愛的東西共同融入 Draft Land 中。
As Draftenders, we aim to find the best choice of cocktail to your liking. Through providing taster samples, asking questions, and getting to know a little about you, we hope the drink that ends up in your hand is “the one” you truly enjoy. What’s even more important to us is that after you’ve made your choice, we get a sense of what you might like and can then provide you with a choice of second or even third drink!
We can’t deny having cocktails on draft makes our jobs a lot quicker, which is why besides pouring your drink we often do other things like graphic designing, marketing, and event management, making our team full of variety. Some of us are very outdoorsy, other museum-goers, some are movie lovers, others are music fanatics, our interests and hobbies are very important to us because we want to incorporate what we enjoy doing in life into draft land.